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Strategies for Surviving Chemical Sensitivity: The Basics
Book Review By Shannon Morehouse, MA, CHHC

This book is a comprehensive guidebook that offers solutions for the newly diagnosed chemically sensitive person and even for those who have been battling chemical sensitivity for decades.

The author, Dr. Robert Mayer, Ph.D. truly knows the struggles of the chemically-sensitive individual as he has had the struggles himself. He even had to leave New York City after trying to make four homes safe to dwell in. The strategies that Dr. Mayer lays out in this book are based on the trial-and-error experiences in successfully managing his own chemical sensitivity as well as experiences he gathered from over 1,000 individuals who responded to the question, "What works?"

Dr. Mayer explains how to find doctors and dentists who understand the needs of those who are chemically sensitive. He also describes various treatment options, including the following:

Avoidance of Chemicals and Substances that Cause Reactions. According to Mayer, over 94% of those surveyed felt better by avoiding chemical exposure. He defined avoidance as living in a chemical-free space, working in a chemically-free environment, and eating chemically-free, organic food.

Clean Air . Many folks found that air filtration helped them.

Sauna Therapy. Dr. Mayer discusses the option of sauna therapy at many treatment centers in the United States or using a home sauna. He specifies that for those who are sensitive to EMFs, infrared saunas are said to be better.

Liver Support . According to environmental physicians, self-administered glutathione in conjunction with an assortment of vitamins and minerals, including the hydroxocobalamin form of B12 can be helpful.

After outlining general treatment options, Dr. Mayer offers helpful suggestions to aid you in every area of your life. He offers hundreds of bullet points on how to avoid exposure in all rooms in your home.

Dr. Mayer's suggestions extend far beyond your home. He gives you tips on purchasing an automobile, buying a new home, and even reveals exact locales that are more tolerable for those with chemical sensitivities. His chapter on managing chemical sensitivity when traveling is helpful. One recommendation is that if you smell something bothersome, rinse your nose with saline solution. He also recommends taking 1,000 mg of vitamin C to bowel tolerance, wearing a face mask, and keeping yourself hydrated.

In conclusion, you will find this book as useful of a resource as those by Dr. Sherry Rogers. This is a must-read for the chemically-sensitive person and those who love them!

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