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Cellophane Sandwich Bags Enlarge Image Email to a Friend Pak-Sel
Cellophane Sandwich Bags
ITEM NUMBER:    PKS-5010-100
SIZE:    100 Count
COLOR:    Clear
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Product Description: Cellophane is the oldest transparent packaging product used to encase cookies, candies, and nuts. First marketed in the United States in 1924, cellophane was the major packaging film used until the 1960s. In the more environmentally-conscious market of today, cellophane is returning in popularity. As cellophane is 100% biodegradable, it is seen as a more earth-friendly alternative to existing wrappings. Cellophane also has an average water vapor rating and excellent machinability and heat sealability, adding to its current popularity in the food-wrapping market. Unlike the man-made polymers in plastics, which are largely derived from petroleum, cellophane is a natural polymer made from cellulose, a component of plants and trees. Cellophane is not made from rainforest trees, but rather from trees farmed and harvested specifically for cellophane production. Cellophane is made by digesting wood and cotton pulps in a series of chemical baths that remove impurities and break the long fiber chains in this raw material. Regenerated as a clear, shiny film, with plasticizing chemicals added for flexibility, cellophane is still comprised largely of crystalline cellulose molecules. This means that it can be broken down by micro-organisms in the soil just as leaves and plants are.
Size: Width=6.75", Length=9".

Packaging: Clear Cellophane

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