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Enjoy a Professional Sauna in the Comfort of Your Home
The Silver Solace Portable Far Infrared (FIR) sauna gives you all the benefits of FIR sauna therapy, in an affordable, portable design. Includes advanced features such as intelligent electronic controllers and high-tech carbon-fiber FIR emitting panels. Setup takes less than two minutes. The Silver Solace model includes a ceramic FIR heater with a fan, which sits inside below the seat, to augment the air temperature and to ensure faster warm-up. Infrared Energy pulsates the water molecules in the body and breaks down the water molecule clusters. This improves capillary function, allowing the water molecules to easily enter, revitalize, and regenerate the body's cells.

Enhances Detoxification!
The FIR Sauna can open up the pores in the body and release the toxins that are building up inside. It cleans up the body and reduces the workload of the body in removing toxins.

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