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Teleseminar Speaker "How to Corona-Proof Your Life Follow Up" with Dr. Sherry Rogers.
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Recommended by Dr. Sherry Rogers
From Dr. Rogers' April 2018 Total Wellness Newsletter (TW)

The Cod Key
"You learned in Detoxify or Die how to get rid of the plasticizers (phthalates). For they are everywhere and in everyone, even animals in the pristine wild who are not drinking out of plastic water bottles, etc. Fortunately, in addition to those detox protocols, DHA is crucial in repairing phthalate damage to peroxisomes, which control all of our genes and whether or not we get chronic diseases, such as heart disease, obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and even cancers. So in addition to your daily Lemon- Flavored Cod Liver Oil, take at least one Super DHA 2-3 times a week (also important for stopping Alzheimer's, since DHA you recall in TW is also an "amyloid eater")."

Super Nutrients for Stretching

"…cyclic stretching, as in exercise, induces orientation of heart muscle cells that can then help improve the communication between heart cells (it induces gap-junction proteins that enable talking between heart cells). But, this can only occur if the individual has identified and repaired nutrient deficiencies. And of course, if the exercise is overzealous or too strenuous it becomes counterproductive, creating free radicals. Meanwhile, for starters, exercise prevents lipid peroxidation, which many of you have measured in your Cardio/lONs. You recall this is a sign of nasty chemicals and free radicals that can be generated by not only environmental, water, and food chemicals, but excessive exercise that now drills holes in our cell membranes. This makes cells not only leaky and dysfunctional, but prematurely ages them as well. Exercise can restore glutathione to its active form and even more so if there's some resistance (often increased by use of weights, machines, bands, etc.). But again, exercise generates electrons only if you have enough of the nutrients you've read about here like selenium, 8 forms of vitamin E, zinc, PC Powder, etc. The good news out of all of this is that every time we exercise or even stretch, we are generating electrons needed for not only healing, but electrons needed for life itself."

Nutrients for a Brain That Lasts a Lifetime
"In past TW we've gone through the nutrient formulas in detail to make sure you keep your brain healthy. Key among these would be daily E Gems Elite, Gamma E Gems, SupraBio Tocotrienols, PC Powder, PS-100, Cod Liver Oil (in glass not capsules!), BioSil, Optimized Curcumin, Ginkgo Biloba Max V, Germanium, and more. As well, we've covered in detail many drugs that must be avoided in order to avoid Alzheimer's, such as statins (Lipitor, Crestor, Vytorin, etc.) and PPIs (Nexium, Prilosec, omeprazole) as flagrant examples. And we covered the many FDA-approved food additives that also must be strongly avoided in order to protect your brain against Alzheimer's. Striking examples (with all the evidence given in past issues) include mercuryladen high fructose corn syrup disguised as just plain corn sugar, as well as avoiding the trans fats disguised as "zero trans fats", the phthalates, braindestroying MSG disguised as natural flavoring as another example, and much more."

Nutrients for Dry Eye
"One of the problems of the general ophthalmologist who is ignorant of the biochemistry of the eye is that he doesn't even recognize the major causes for dry eye (as well as diabetes, Sjogren's, etc.). For the phthalates, high fructose corn syrup, and trans fatty acids are all examples of major FDA-approved food constituents that can dramatically bring on any disease including dry eyes. How to reverse those three causes begins with Detoxify or Die, then How to Cure Diabetes, The Cholesterol Hoax, and The High Blood Pressure Hoax, and then TW 2011-18, respectively. For much in the modern diet and environment interferes with what we call beta-oxidation, the main chemistry responsible for metabolizing the most important fatty acids in the eye as well as the brain, heart, and every cell membrane.

The treatment should begin with an assay of the 34 fatty acids in your body. Most physicians don't have the training to interpret it even if they do order the Cardio/lON. And the "cheat sheet" interpretation that accompanies the report misses half of what you need. But, you may just luck out by giving yourself an oil change. It begins by (1) reducing oils that can choke the cell membrane, such as coconut, olive, and the grocery store soybean oils (much more detail and it is in TW 2012- 15). Then, be sure that (2) for the first month of your oil change you have a tablespoon of Carlson's Lemon-Flavored Cod Liver Oil daily as well as a teaspoon of PC Powder (the anchor for the fatty acid), one Lutein, and the eight forms of vitamin E (one each E Gems Elite and Gamma E Gems, plus 2 SupraBio Tocotrienols)."