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A Pearl Among Probiotics
Submitted by Enzymatic Therapy

Probiotics are good bacteria that are essential to overall health including digestive balance and supporting immune health.* The World Health Organization has defined probiotics as, "live microorganisms which when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host."

Why Should I Take a Probiotic Supplement?
Digestive balance is part of overall health and wellbeing. That said, there are many things that can impact the balance of good bacteria in your intestinal tract, including stress, travel, diet, and age, just to name a few. That's why it's important to replenish your digestive system on a regular basis through a healthy diet, exercise, and a probiotic supplement, like one of the unique Probiotic Pearls™ active cultures products.

Why Choose Probiotic Pearls™?
To support digestive health, probiotics need to survive the acidic environment of the stomach. Probiotic Pearls™, from Enzymatic Therapy®, are unique due to the triple layer softgel that's designed to protect the good bacteria inside from the acidity of the stomach and deliver them to the intestines to help maintain digestive health*.

How are Pearls Different?

  • Probiotic Pearls™ are made with a unique triple-layer softgel that protects live probiotics inside from heat, moisture, air, and stomach acid.
  • Because Probiotic Pearls™ withstand stomach acid, the good bacteria inside are delivered to the intestines where they are needed
  • most.
  • Probiotic Pearls™ don't require refrigeration and can be conveniently taken anytime or on-the-go.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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