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Teleseminar Speaker "How to Corona-Proof Your Life Follow Up" with Dr. Sherry Rogers.
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Recommended by Sherry Rogers From Dr. Rogers' September 2014 Total Wellness Newsletter

Just a Few of the Many Reasons to Use Vielight
"…(Vielight) provides a healthful electrical charge to cause red blood cells to separate and repel each other, to keep their distance from one another (like same poles of magnets). Because they are no longer clumped together, this charge also helps them bend and squeeze their way through small capillaries to bring more oxygen and nutrients to the innermost parts of your organs. I will most likely be going into more of this in the future issues of Total Wellness (TW) because it helps insomnia, high blood pressure, memory loss, high cholesterol, and more. Of course, as with any therapy, results are dependent upon your personal total load. But the first thing you want to know is that it increases melatonin. You saw in July's TW this year how melatonin is crucial for turning off the chemistry of Alzheimer's, as well as inducing sleep…Even if it didn't do all of these other things, the fact that it decreases the ability of cells to clot, the number one cause of death, makes it all worth it."

Considering Alternatives to Antibiotics
"Even though tetracyclines are one of the most commonly prescribed classifications of antibiotics (they include minocycline, doxycycline, and more), they are not as benign as we are led to think....If you check back in your TW you will find many antibiotic substitutes, such as D-mannose for urinary tract infections, or Kyolic Liquid and Oregano Oil for low-grade gastric and intestinal infections, etc. And remember if you are vulnerable to infection, it often means your vitamin D is not at the optimal level (over 80 ng/dL. Do not use the ridiculous cut-off of 30 ng/ dL of commercial labs), as documented here earlier this year. And if recurrent infections are not due to a vitamin D deficiency, it's due to other nutrient deficiencies or unidentified toxicities. There's always a cause."

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