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Boost Your Immune System with Everyday Throat Spray
By Vonalda M. Utterback, CN

Break out the sweaters and put a log on the fire—winter is here! The change in seasons is a perfect time to think defensively and power up your immune system to protect yourself against the inevitable resurgence in sore throats, colds, and flu.

Your immune system is a complex network of cells and organs that work to defend the body against attacks by pesky foreign invaders such as viruses or bacteria. When pathogens declare war on your body, your white blood cells, called leukocytes, are your immune system's first line of defense. A strong immune system is your bedrock foundation for good health and it makes sense to do whatever you can to support it.

As a Certified Nutritionist, I know all things I need to do to keep my immune system powered up: get adequate rest, manage my stress levels, eat nutritious whole foods, and maintain an active lifestyle.

There are times, however, when I find I need some additional support. After a stressful week, when I'm traveling and on the go, and at the first sign of a sniffle or sore throat, I turn to Everyday Throat Spray.

More than simply a "sore throat spray," Everyday Throat Spray is designed to support healthy respiratory function and boost overall immunity. I love the fact that it's kid-friendly, super-easy to use, and tastes great.

Quality, all-natural ingredients are essential in any supplement I recommend. Everyday Throat Spray contains colloidal silver (15 ppm), osha root, (Ligusticum porteri), echinacea root (Echinacea Angustifolia), ginger root (Zingiber officinale), licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra), and peppermint oil (Mentha x piperita). This unique combination of ethically wild-harvested and all-natural ingredients offers soothing relief for throat irritations at the same time it helps to boost immunity and support your body's innate ability to heal.

A gentle and effective alternative to traditional over-the-counter throat sprays, Everyday Throat Spray comes in a convenient one-ounce spray bottle. I love it for travel, particularly when I know I'll be on a crowded train or plane. The small size makes it perfect to tuck in a purse or briefcase for meetings, speeches, the classroom, and any crowded indoor area. Use it to help ease a cough or throat irritation, or anytime life throws you a curve ball and you could use an extra boost to your immunity.

Note: Severe or persistent sore throat or sore throat that occurs with high fever, headache, nausea, and vomiting may be serious. Consult with your health care practitioner.

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