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New Form of Magnesium May Mitigate Memory Loss
By Teresa Bujacich, ND

Are you magnesium deficient? Only 16% of the magnesium found in whole wheat remains in refined flour, and magnesium has been removed from most drinking water supplies, setting a stage for magnesium deficiency. This is aggravated by the fact that magnesium is depleted by stress, sweating, alcohol consumption and a plethora of pharmaceutical drugs. Magnesium plays a primary role in a myriad of biochemical processes in the human body.

One critical effect of magnesium deficiency is that neuronal requirements for magnesium may not be met, causing neuronal damage, which could manifest as memory loss, depression, and more. Anxiety disorders, such as phobias and post traumatic stress disorder, are among the most common mental disorders and are associated with magnesium deficiency. Stress exposure, depending on its intensity and duration, affects cognition and learning.

A new form of magnesium (magnesium L-threonate) has been shown to be beneficial for mitigating these effects in several regions of the brain. Increasing plasticity in the prefrontal cortex and amygdale of the brain improves memory because these brain areas are also deeply involved in mediating the effects of exposure to stress on memory.

Several studies indicate that these same synaptic connections in the brain hippocampus, a critical brain region for learning and memory, decline during aging. Studies have also found low levels of magnesium in the brains of patients suffering from Alzheimer's disease. Magnesium L-threonate was found in animal studies to increase learning ability, working memory, and short- and long-term memory.

Many nutrients are unable to effectively cross the blood-brain barrier, making it difficult to deliver them to this critical region. The difference with this new form of magnesium is that it is chelated, or bound, to a novel molecule called L-threonate that helps the magnesium to cross through the blood-brain barrier more efficiently.

Studies suggest that using magnesium L-threonate in a maintenance dose of 2 grams daily, or 3-4 grams daily for people experiencing memory loss, may be beneficial. Trademarked as Magtein™, this exciting new form of magnesium is now available in the Designs For Health product NeuroMag™. Benefits may be further enhanced when combined with their other memory product Brain Vitale™, which contains glycerol-phosphocholine (GPC), acetyl L-carnitine, phophatidyl-serine (PS), inositol, and ginkgo extract.

1. J Neurosci. 2011 Oct 19;31(42):14871-81.
2. Neuron. 2010 Jan 28;65(2):143-4.
3. Neuron. 2010 Jan 28;65(2):165-77.
4. Neural Plast. 2007;2007:30873. Epub 2007 Jan 16.

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