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Ivy Calm
By Christine Carlson, CN

"Ivy Calm, from Integrative Therapeutics, is made from Ivy extract. It is one of the products that I recommend to always keep in your natural medicine cabinet. It is great for irritating, stubborn coughs from colds, flu, and bronchitis. It is also helpful and safe for bronchial asthma. I'm always excited when I find a product that has a history of safe and beneficial use and has current research to back that up. Ivy Leaf is a traditional herbal ingredient that has been used for centuries to support respiratory health. And, multiple clinical studies show Ivy extract to be more effective in lung and bronchial support than cough medicines with synthetic ingredients. It is an expectorant, a mucolytic, and a bronchial dilator. It helps thin thick mucous secretions, and helps the respiratory tract to be less constricted. Breathing becomes easier and coughing is calmed, but not blocked, so mucous can be easily cleared. It is non-alcohol based, won't cause drowsiness, and it's safe for adults and children. I have given it to patients who are just getting sick and to those who have already developed a respiratory infection. In both instances, it gives nearly immediate relief from painful, spasmodic coughing. I can't think of a better product to have on hand for cold and flu cough symptoms!"

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