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Is Your pH Acidic?
By Leon Neiman, M.D., F.A.A.O.A., and Bonnie Jarrett Fields

The most critical factor in maintaining optimal health is acid/alkaline balance. Your body pH affects everything. However, many still don't know what pH is. pH, or potential of hydrogen, is a measure of acidity or alkalinity of a solution, measured on a scale of zero (highly acid) to 14 (highly alkaline or base); 7 is neutral. Research shows that unless the body's pH level is slightly alkaline (7.35 to 7.45), the body cannot heal itself. If you have a health problem, it is quite possible that you are suffering from an over-acid condition or acidosis.

pH Imbalance Is Disease

Physiological disease can be described as a stress of the body's pH balance sufficient to cause acidosis and provoke the body into producing disease symptoms. Symptoms are an expression of this stress, but can also be the body's effort to balance it. A healthy body maintains alkaline reserves - a supply of fixed bases held in the tissues - which are used to meet emergency demands. If the diet is deficient in minerals or our reserves depleted, they are recruited from vital organs and tissue, such as bone (calcium) or muscle (magnesium).

What is Acidosis?

Acidic pH can occur from an acid-forming diet, high and/or constant emotional stress, toxic overload, immune reactions, or any process that deprives the cells of oxygen or other nutrients. The body will compensate for acidic pH by using alkaline minerals. If the diet does not contain enough minerals to compensate, acid will build up in the cells and the minerals borrowed from other areas of the body to buffer (neutralize) the acid for safe removal from the body. Acidosis will decrease a body's ability to absorb minerals and other nutrients and energy production in cells, impair the body's ability to repair itself, make tumors thrive, and thus make it more susceptible to fatigue and illness. Chronic acidosis is associated with the following conditions to name a few:
  • Allergies
  • Lack of energy
  • Weight gain/obesity
  • Osteoporosis
  • Yeast/fungal overgrowth
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
Eat a More Alkaline Diet

If you have symptoms and conditions indicative of over-acidity, it is important to eat more food that are alkaline, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, small amounts of raw seeds and nuts, and fish. These foods will lessen the acid load on the body. The more alkaline foods are, the higher in nutrients and the more alkalinizing minerals will be available to restore the alkaline reserve in your cells, tissue, and bones. These foods also tend to be less allergenic or inflammatory, conditions which acidify your cells.

You will also want to avoid high acid-forming foods. More than 90% of Americans become overly acidic during their lifetime due, in part, to the foods they eat. Highly acidic or acid forming foods include: chocolate, white bread and pastas, red meat, artificial sweeteners, beer and liquor, and homogenized milk, cheese, and ice cream.

To restore your buffering capabilities, it is necessary to replenish your body's mineral reserves. Taking alkalizing minerals will help build your reserves and increase your capacity to neutralize the acids that result from eating acid foods, doing strenuous exercise, or being in states of high stress. Green foods, such as Organic New Zealand Green Barley Grass from Living Foods USA, or spirulina, contain plant-based proteins that are nutrient rich, promote alkalinity within the body, and are an excellent source of many easily absorbable alkaline minerals, as well as amino acids, vitamins, enzymes, and chlorophyll. These green foods can be used to supplement your regular meals.

For quick symptom relief, i.e., allergies, headaches, aching muscles, leg cramps and spasms, joint pain, etc., use an alkalizing agent like Tri-Salts from Ecological Formulas. At a usual dose of 1/2 teaspoon mixed in water, it is an economical and efficient buffer, contains only reagent grade bicarbonates, and is sodium-free. In addition to its symptom-relieving effect for those experiencing acidosis, it is a hypoallergenic source of the macrominerals: calcium, magnesium, and potassium. A possible added plus is that many have found the Tri-Salts powder an excellent alternative to chemical-laden toothpastes. Buffered Vitamin C Crystals, also from Ecological Formulas, can neutralize an allergic reaction by providing bicarbonates as well as 2,500 mg of vitamin C (from tapioca) per teaspoon.

Balancing pH is the first step to symptom relief. Can good health be too far behind?

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