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Colloidal Silver Hydrosols
by Eric J. Rentz, DO, COMM, CNMO


Since ancient times, silver has been regarded as a preservative and antiseptic agent. So esteemed was it that it permeated the worlds of ancient Greece and Rome. Even Hippocrates taught that the flowers of silver would heal wound ulcerations. Old medical literature indicated that crude silver formulations had been employed in solutions, ointments, sprays, and other types of direct applications.

As the twentieth century arrived, silver nitrate came into widespread use in America, virtually eliminating blindness among newborns.

Today, physicians are confronted with increasing numbers of new bacterial and viral mutations. The Institute of Medicine, under the National Academy of Sciences, estimates that the annual cost associated with these new infectious situations may be as high as $30 billion.


Silver supplement manufacturers attempt to distinguish themselves from their competition by categorizing their product to gain maximum acceptance. In the end, the distinct difference is bioavailability, which is dependent upon particle size, particle charge, and particle concentration.

The term "colloidal silver" can be very misleading. Colloidal silver refers to any suspension of silver that is not dissolved in a fluid medium. Enormous variations exist between products on the market.

When comparing all of the different silver products and delivery systems available, it is clear that a silver hydrosol should be viewed as the "gold standard." The strongest silver protein hybrids rarely achieve eighteen percent (18%) bioavailability. However, oligodynamic silver hydrosols, because of their very small particle size, can achieve up to ninety-five percent (95%) bioavailability. The minute particles present in an oligodynamic silver hydrosol carry a particle charge and exist at a clinically relevant concentration. In a hydrosol, the most common window for concentration is between eight (8) and twenty-five (25) parts per million (ppm).

Colloidal silver products with higher concentrations are not necessarily more powerful or more potent. Concentration certainly is a key factor, but more is not always better. As a guideline, the smaller the particle size the more powerful the silver hydrosol becomes. This is a basic principle of chemistry and physics.

Silver hydrosols are actually as safe as water. To illustrate the beneficial properties of colloidal silver hydrosols, I give you the following scenario. If I were on a desert island with only casks of colloidal silver hydrosol in my possession, I know that I could safely drink it as a sole source of water. Don't miss out on the antiseptic effects of a silver hydrosol with the finest dispersed colloidal particles!

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