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Probiotic Nutrients Restoring LIfe to Your Nutritional Supplements
by Taryn Forelli, N.D.

All living systems rely on groups of interacting compounds, rather than single, isolated ones. Simply put, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Within the last 100 years, we have learned that when it comes to delivering nutrients in the form of most conventional nutritional supplements (i.e., single molecules), this axiom is particularly true. From an evolutionary perspective, a single compound, introduced for cellular metabolism, is considered relatively foreign to the body. The overall effect of this is still largely unknown. Conversely, nutrients from living organisms in the form of whole foods are familiar and have been nourishing humans throughout our evolutionary history.

The problem with United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) vitamins and minerals, found in most nutritional supplements, is that they bear little resemblance to the nutrients obtained from whole foods. Instead, the production of USPs follows a pharmaceutical-industry and somewhat shortsighted approach to nutrition. They are chemically synthesized and delivered as single molecules devoid of the life-giving, naturally synergistic nutrients (i.e., amino acids, enzymes, and phytonutrients found in plants). Isolating nutrients so that they are delivered in this unnatural way changes the body's response to them.

Scientists have found it difficult to pinpoint the reason why the consumption of specific antioxidants, such as vitamin E from food, offer cardiovascular protection, but, USP vitamin E and other antioxidant supplements do not always provide the same protection. One explanation is that all nutrients exist in food in multiple forms. For example, there are at least eight known forms of vitamin E—divided into tocopherols and tocotrienols—present in the body. Each form offers unique benefits to human health. Most vitamin E supplements, however, contain just one form: alphatocopherol. This form has not been shown to possess the same anti-inflammatory action that gamma tocopherol—the predominant form of vitamin E found in food—displays. In fact, consuming only one nutrient form, when more are necessary, can upset the body's natural balance.

Another common difference between USP nutrients and those obtained from natural sources is the dosage. When the body receives nutrients from food, they are generally delivered in smaller doses throughout the day. Sustained nutrient release is ideal for absorption and use by the body. There is a limit to how much the body can use of a specific nutrient at any given time, running contradictory to the "more is better" message sent to consumers. An example is the blanket recommendation to take a 500–1000 mg mega-dose of the ascorbic acid form of vitamin C daily. The Journal of the American Medical Association reported in April of 1999 that 200 mg a day is the maximum amount of vitamin C human cells can absorb, making any dose above that level useless.


Fortunately, there is an innovative, natural nutritional supplement that uses the ancient science of fermentation to transform inorganic USP nutrients into the complex organic nutrients found in whole food: Probiotic Nutrients.

Probiotics are beneficial microorganisms that reside in the gastrointestinal tract, playing a vital role in digestion. Probiotics synthesize and absorb vitamins and minerals, stimulate the immune system, inhibit the growth of infectious organisms, and help maintain healthy levels of cholesterol.

Probiotics also give life to the earth's soil, transforming inorganic minerals into a form usable by plants. Various strains of probiotics in soil have been used to create fermented foods, such as yogurt (fermented milk), miso (fermented soy), and sauerkraut (fermented cabbage) that have helped sustain human health for thousands of years.

Numerous scientific studies have demonstrated that fermentation with probiotic organisms, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae (also known as brewer's yeast) and lactobacilli, increase the quality, availability, and assimilability of nutrients. A report from the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations states, "The traditional fermentation of food serves several functions, including enrichment of food…with protein, essential amino acids, essential acids, and vitamins…" For example, as grape juice is fermented into wine, the concentration of resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant and antiinflammatory compound present in the skins of grapes, can increase from 8 to 16 thousand times!

It turns out that probiotic organisms can also add life to USP nutrients, thereby increasing their bioavailability, safety, and activity. An innovative nutritional supplement company, called New Chapter, Inc., developed a unique dualstage fermentation process to create their line of whole-food Probiotic Nutrients™.

First, they create a nutrient- dense soup of whole-food concentrates, purified water, and organic non-GMO soy. Next, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is introduced to begin the fermentation process. As fermentation proceeds, the yeast becomes enriched with the nutrients present in the soup broth and releases a host of ferment metabolites. These compounds, called synbiotics, include powerful detoxifying antioxidants like alpha-lipoic acid and glutathione, shortchain fatty acids, and activated soy isoflavones. Adding plant enzymes break the cell walls of the yeast, releasing the now protein-bound nutrients.

In the second stage, three strains of lactobacilli bacteria complete the infusion of nutrients into a food matrix. The lactobacilli create additional ferment metabolites, including anti-microbial compounds called bacteriocins which inhibit the growth of unfriendly bacteria and yeast such as Candida albicans. At the end of the process, the USP nutrients, initially present in the soup, are completely biotransformed into living whole-food complexes.

It is not surprising that when researchers compare probiotic nutrients to their isolated counterparts, they find that probiotic nutrients are more readily absorbed and biologically active. Recent research finds that CoQ10, a nutrient necessary for cellular energy production and protection from free-radical damage, was three times more bioavailable and worked 20 times better as a Probiotic Nutrient antioxidant compared to USP CoQ10.

With such a high level of activity, it isn't necessary to take mega doses of the nutrients. Since they are essentially food, probiotic nutrients are also easily digested even on an empty stomach; a welcome change for individuals with sensitive digestive systems.

Dietary experts agree—the best forms of vitamins and minerals to nourish the human body are found in whole foods. Now, with the help of life-infusing probiotic organisms, these same complex nutrients can be obtained in a nutritional supplement. New Chapter's complete line of Probiotic Nutrients™ is expertly formulated by one of the country's most renowned herbal researchers and authors, Paul Schulick. Each formula provides 100 percent whole-food probiotic nutrients, accompanied by nourishing whole-herb and superfood extracts.

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