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New Approaches to the Treatment of Prostate Cancer

Current research has markedly increased our understanding of prostate cancer. Scientists are continually learning more about the possible causes of prostate cancer and are searching for new ways to detect, diagnose, prevent, and treat this disease. As a result of this research, men with prostate cancer now have a lower risk of dying from the disease.


The prostate is a gland that is the size of a walnut, and is part of a man's reproductive system. It is located below the bladder and in front of the rectum. The prostate surrounds the upper part of the urethra, the tube that drains the bladder. If the prostate swells due to infection or inflammation, it can impair or stop the flow of urine. Its function is to make and store seminal fluid, which is a milky substance that nourishes sperm.

In order to produce seminal fluid and function properly, the prostate requires specific male hormones that are produced by the testicles and to a lesser extent, the adrenal glands. (2)

Enlargement of the prostate is common with age. Called benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), this condition can produce some of the following symptoms: frequent and/or painful urination; pain during ejaculation; blood in semen or in urine; frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thigh. BPH may require medical intervention or may remain untreated without any lose of quality of life.

The prostate is divided into three areas—the peripheral zone, the transition zone, and the central zone—with a layer of tissue surrounding all three. Most prostate tumors form in the peripheral zone; the larger, glandular portion of the organ. Prostate cancer can also form in the tissue of the central zone. BPH most often occurs in the transition zone, which surrounds the urethra. Surrounding the prostate is the prostate capsule, a tissue that separates the prostate from the rest of the body. When prostate cancer remains inside the prostate capsule, it is considered localized and treatable with surgery. Once the cancer punctures the capsule and spreads outside, treatment options are more limited.


Early prostate cancer often does not cause symptoms. But prostate cancer can cause any of the following problems:
  • A need to urinate frequently, especially at night
  • Difficulty starting urination or holding back urine;
  • Inability to urinate; Weak or interrupted flow of urine;
  • Painful or burning urination;
  • Difficulty in having an erection;
  • Painful ejaculation;
  • Blood in urine or semen; or
  • Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs.
Any of these symptoms may be caused by cancer or by other, less serious health problems, such as BPH or an infection. A man who has these symptoms should see his doctor or a urologist (a doctor who specializes in treating diseases of the genitourinary system).


Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests and the digital rectal examination should be offered annually, beginning at age 50, to men with a life expectancy of at least 10 years and to younger men who are in high-risk groups: those with a strong familial predisposition (two or more affected firstdegree relatives) or African Americans. Because PSA testing remains controversial, men should decide for themselves, in consultation with their physician, whether the test is right for them or not. In some cases, the doctor also may check the level of prostatic acid phosphatase (PAP) in the blood, especially if the results of the PSA indicate there might be a problem. There are sever other examinations your physician may order based on symptomatology.


TREATMENT CHOICE DEPENDS ON A NUMBER OF FACTORS —the size and aggressiveness of the tumor, the extent to which the cancer has spread throughout the body, the patient's PSA level, and overall medical condition and age. Current conventional methods include:

  • Surgery, radiation or careful observation without immediate active treatment (watchful waiting) is commonly used to treat localized prostate cancer.
  • Radiation, hormonal treatment, chemotherapy, investigational therapies or combinations of these options are used to treat more advanced disease.
  • Patients should thoroughly discuss each option, its effectiveness and its side effects, with their physician before coming to a treatment decision.

Over the years many alternative and holistic medical practitioners have researched and developed various treatment modalities to combat the growth and effects of prostate cancer. While the success of some of these methods is anecdotal, others are supported by valid scientific research.

It is important to remember that when dealing with cancer of any kind, all levels of an individual's health, including nutritional, mental/emotional, and spiritual health, should be incorporated into a treatment protocol.

When using a nutritionally based approach, there are many blends of botanical substances that may help. Based on current research and clinical experience with prostate cancer sufferers, a new formula is being used successfully in clinics in North America and as far away as Australia. This new product is called PC Calm. Preliminary results have been positive and PC Calm has shown to be effective in assisting a majority of individuals to control their PSA.

Taking into account the theory of alternative medicine that all cancers stem from poor diet, toxic waste build-up, and poor immune function, PC Calm was developed to address all the aforementioned issues. It contains herbs that assist in detoxifying the body by aiding in elimination, increasing lymphatic function, boosting immune function, and promoting an antiangiogenic effect, i.e., it contains herbs that are known to affect the blood supply of tumors.

PC Calm is a synergistic blend of high quality herbal extracts. Single herbs when used alone, often will not have the same effect as when combined in a synergistic formula. Scientific research confirms the wisdom of ancient herbalists using herbs in synergistic combination to support body functions


PC Calm uses herbs that in traditional Chinese medicine are known to support and promote healthy prostate function. PC calm contains Cernitin TM, which studies have shown to have an overall tonic effect on many body areas by promoting a healthy immune system, producing an antiinflammatory effect, speeding up recovery from prostatitis, and diminishing the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapies.


CERNITIN POWDER: Anti-inflammatory, prophylaxis against infectious disease, geriatric uses (treatment of tiredness, weakness, loss of appetite, impaired memory, loss of libido), increased recovery from prostatitis and diminishes side effects from cancer therapies.

SCUTELLARIA BAIKALENSIS: Removes toxins, antibacterial, antiviral, and supports the digestive system.

SERENOA REPENS (SAW PALMETTO): Supports prostate health, antiandrogenic, antiinflammatory agent, mild sedative for the nervous system, appetite stimulant, improves digestion, improves thyroid deficiencies, helps prostate to maintain size, supports healthy urinary tract performance.

GANODERMA LUCIDUM: Supports the immune system, enhances circulation, protects liver function, promotes energy transport, and healthy cell function

TARAXACUM MONGOLICUM: Removes toxins, stimulates flow of bile, increases the flow of urine, antibacterial, antiviral, and antitumor.

ISATIS INDIGOTICA: Removes toxins, antibacterial, enhances the action of the white blood cells, supports circulation and blood flow.

PATRINIA VILLOSA: Supports a healthy functional nervous system, maintains nerve structures, cooling to liver toxicity, lymphatic decongestant, helpful in abdominal pain and appendicitis and encourages blood circulation.

PANAX NOTOGINSENG: Supports the nervous and circulatory systems, maintains nerve endings and structures, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-infective, promotes blood flow.

OLDENLANDIA DIFFUSA: An antipyretic for fever, anti-inflammatory, a stimulant of the immune system, antitumor properties.

GLYCYRRHIZA URALENSIS (LICORICE): Supports respiration, improves adrenal function, anti-inflammatory, antitoxin, improves air circulation, soothes joints, supports mucus production, demulcent.

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