Specifications: The Total Home Filtration System LEVEL 5 contains: * One 20 inch Big Blue sediment filter. * One 1.5 cubic foot backwashable tank. * A ultra violet system. * One 1.5 cubic foot backwashable softener, * A point of use reverse osmosis system. * The tanks are installed where the main pipe enters the house at the water meter. If there is no basement the units can be installed next to the hot water heater. * This system also comes with a computerized, automatic backwashing valve. The Reverse Osmosis is a compact design for kitchen installation. * All the filter housings are made out of ABS non-leaching plastic. * Dimensions: 5 inches deep, 16 inches high and 16 inches wide. * The single piece manifold eliminates many hose connections for greater flow. * The touch-flo air gap faucets are lead free. * The systems is designed for an operating pressure of 40-80 PSI. Pressure greater than 80 PSI will require a pressure regulator. * The plastic holding tank has a 4 gallon capacity and is made of long chain polymer that is non-leachable. * The tank is 17 inches high and 11 inches wide. * The system weighs 21 lbs. * The entire System is NSF Certified and DHS Certified in California. Cleaning Area: * The flow rate of the carbon tank is 27 gallons per minute. * The sediment filter will remove particles, dirt, rust, sand and organic materials (sludge, leaves, roots, etc.). * The ultraviolet system provides excellent performance in reducing waterborne pathogens and other contaminants. * The Reverse Osmosis System will filter up to 50 Gallons Per Day (gpd). * The following is a partial list of items the RO system will reduce: calcium 93-98%, sodium 92-98%, magnesium 93-98%, perchlorate 94-96%, potassium 92-96%, manganese 96-98%, iron 96-98%, aluminum 96-98%, copper 96-98%, cadimium 93-97%, silver 93-96%, mercury 94-97%, chloride 92-95%, ammonium 80-90%, bromide 90-95%, cyanide 85-95%, sulfate 96-98%, nitrate 90-95%, borate 30-50%, fluoride 92-95%, chromate 85-95%, lead 95-98%, hardness Ca & Mg 93-97%, radioactivity 93-97%, polyphosphate 96-98%, orthophosate 96-98%, silica 80-90%, and boron 50-70%. Filter Media: The sediment filter is the first filter in line to the whole house filter. * Depending on the water conditions, there are two sediment filter models available. * The bag filter with a 10 micron pore size has a higher capacity to remove dirt. * The fluted filter is a 10 to 20 micron pore size and is cleanable. * Generally, bag filters are better when high levels of dirt and sediment are present. The 1.5 cubic foot backwashable carbon tank contains a blend of carbons to reduce chlorine, THM's, industrial chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, bad taste and odors. The U.V filter has a U.V. germicidal bulb that exposes all incoming water to a strong ultraviolet germicidal dose. The water softener has special blends of resin using potassium rather than sodium to eliminate cardiac risks. * Also, iron removing media can be added for high iron. For sulfur and other contaminants, special equipment may be required. The Reverse Osmosis unit is a five stage filtration system. * Stage one is a five micron sediment filter that traps sediment and other particulate matter like dirt, silt and rust which affect the taste and appearance of your water. * The second and third stages each contain a 5 micron carbon block filter that helps ensure that chlorine and other chemicals that cause bad taste and odor are greatly reduced. * The fourth stage is the heart of the reverse osmosis system, the RO membrane. This semi permeable membrane will effectively take out total dissolved solids, sodium and heavy metals as well as cysts, such as giardia and cryptosporidium. * The process of making this high quality drinking water takes time, so your RO water treatment system is equipped with a storage tank. * The fifth stage is an inline granular activated carbon (GAC). This filter is used after the water storage tank, and is used as a final polishing filter. Filter Change: * The carbon tank filter should be changed every 3-5 years. * The sediment filter should be changed every year. * The U.V. bulb should be changed once a year. * The R/O sediment, carbon, and post filter should be changed every six months. * The RO membrane should be changed once a year. Warranty: The tank with control valve has a 15-year manufacture warranty and the sediment filter has a 1 year manufacture warranty. Return Policy: All Whole House Systems are custom made, therefore they are not returnable. Warnings: Certain states such as California, Iowa, and Wisconsin prohibit health claims as a matter of state law. Such claims not in compliance are hereby withdrawn. The listed information does not imply, indicate, signify or suggest that your drinking water contains harmful contaminants. Contamination can only be determined through testing by your local water supplier. Nor does the information imply, indicate, signify or suggest that water treatment devices are an acceptable permanent alternative to central water treatment by your supplier. |