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Meriva, Curcumin Phytosome Research Breakthrough
By Parris M Kidd, PhD Chief Science Officer, Doctor's Best Inc.

The curcumin nutrients that have been impressive in "test tube" experiments are very poorly absorbed when taken by mouth in humans.1 The product Curcumin Phytosome featuring Meriva® from Doctor's Best combines the curcumins with another bioactive nutrient, thereby dramatically improving their absorption and unleashing their healthgiving potential.2

"Curcumin Phytosome" is a curcumin molecule bonded to a molecule of PC (PhosphatidylCholine).3 Unlike the curcumins, PC is excellently absorbed by mouth. When the curcumin phytosomes are taken as a dietary supplement, PC protects its attached curcumin and efficiently transports it across the intestinal lining and into the circulating blood. Curcumins in phytosomes are over 29 times better absorbed than curcumins alone.

PC is an important building block for membranes, the most metabolically dynamic zones of our cells.4 PC most likely transports the curcumins in the blood until they arrive at cell membranes. PC itself has proven benefits for the liver, intestines, and lungs,5 and its presence in the Meriva curcumin phytosome amplifies the benefits available from the curcumins alone.

Supports Joint Health—Two Clinical Trials
In two double-blind trials with subjects having knee problems,6,7 Meriva (1,000 mg/day) improved treadmill walk distance by 345% after eight months. It improved joint pain, stiffness, swelling, and joint function. Intakes of over-the-counter medications fell 63%, and their adverse effects fell by at least 67 percent. The subjects' medical costs fell 45% after 8 months. C-Reactive Protein (CRP) levels were lowered into a more healthy range. After eight months, the Karnofsky Scale of wellbeing had moved into "able to perform normal activity."

Supports Eye Health, Vision, Circulation—Three Clinical Trials
One common eye problem is a very persistent reddening that keeps coming back even after it is cleared. In a clinical trial, 106 patients took Meriva (1,200 mg/day) for one year.8 There were 86% fewer returns of the reddening, and in 82% of the patients (87 out of 106), it did not return at all.

In another trial, Meriva (1,000 mg/day) improved retinal blood flow, retinal swelling, and vision.9 In just four weeks, visual sharpness improved from an initial average of 20/122-155 to 20/32-78.

Meriva also improved circulation elsewhere in the body. In subjects with foot circulation problems, it significantly reduced swelling, increased oxygen delivery, and improved nerve control over the capillary networks.10 The subjects' Karnofsky Score of wellbeing improved, from "normal activity (with effort)" to "normal activity."

Breakthrough Prostate Benefits
In a clinical trial on middle-aged men with prostate problems,11 Meriva (1,000 mg/day) significantly improved: feeling of incomplete bladder emptying, urination frequency, flow stop/ start, weak stream, straining, getting up at night, urinary block, and PSA levels. Quality of life and sexual activity were also significantly improved.

The Meriva phytosome breakthrough ensures that curcumins are effectively delivered to human cells, in functional combination with PC. Multiple successful clinical trials have established Curcumin Phytosome featuring Meriva® as the "gold standard" among curcumin supplements.2,6-12

1. Henrotin Y, others. SpringerPlus 2013;2:56.
2. Marczylo TH, others. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol 2007;60:171.
3. Kidd PM. Altern Med Rev 2009;14:226.
4. Alberts B, others. Molecular Biology of the Cell (Fifth Edition). New York: Garland Science; 2007.
5. Phosphatidylcholine Monograph. Altern Med Rev. 2002;7:150.
6. Belcaro G, others. Panminerva Med 2010;52 (2 Supplement 1):55.
7. Belcaro G, others. Altern Med Rev 2010;15:337.
8. Allegri P, others. Clin Ophthalmol 2010;4:1201.
9. Steigerwalt R, others. Panminerva Medica 2012;54 (4 Supplement 1):11.
10. Appendino G, others. Panminerva Medica 2011;53 (3 Supplement 1):1.
11. Ledda A. Panminerva Medica 2012;54 (4 Supplement 1):17.
12. Di Pierro F, others. J Pain Res 2013;6:201.

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