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GAIT Study Shows Great Strides for Cosamin DS
Brought to you from the NEEDS Wellness Team

The results are in!

The Glucosamine/chondro it in Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT) is the first multicenter clinical trial in the United States to test the effects of the dietary supplements glucosamine and chondroitin for treatment of knee osteoarthritis. It was designed to rigorously assess the efficacy and safety of glucosamine and chondroitin alone, combined (in the form of Cosamin DS), and the drug, celecoxib; all of these groups were also compared to that of a placebo (sugar pill). With an estimated 21 million U.S. adults living with osteoarthritis, there is great interest in its outcome.

The over 1,200 patients who participated in the study were at least 40 years old, diagnosed with osteoarthritis, and experienced mild to severe knee pain for over six months. The study was double-blind and placebocontrolled (the gold standard for research), and patients were divided into the treatment groups described above. The study lasted for 24 weeks, and a 20% improvement in pain was the main measurement of treatment success.

Cosamin was found to work particularly well on the patients who experienced the greatest knee pain. When compared to those with severe knee pain who took a placebo, the Cosamin group reported significantly better results with 79% showing improvement versus only 54% of those in the placebo group. Additionally, more patients in the Cosamin group experienced pain relief than those taking celcoxib. Glucosamine alone and chondroitin alone showed some improvement, but much less than the Cosamin DS. Researchers also noted that Cosamin was well-tolerated and didn't cause significant side effects.

NEEDS offers several glucosamine/chondroitin combinations. Among them is the highly recommended Cosamin DS from Nutramax. Cosamin DS was the first glucosamine HCl (hydrochloride) chondroitin sulfate product that met pharmaceutical standards on the market when it was introduced in 1992.

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