Vitamin K Supplements & Products

Vitamin K is vital for ensuring our body's blood clotting processes function optimally and for maintaining robust bone health. This fat-soluble vitamin exists primarily in two forms: vitamin K1 (phylloquinone), predominantly found in green leafy vegetables, and vitamin K2 (menaquinone), synthesized by specific gut bacteria and also available in fermented foods and select animal products. Read More >

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About Vitamin K

Beyond its recognized roles, vitamin K is gaining attention for its potential contribution to cardiovascular health. Preliminary studies indicate that adequate vitamin K intake may help diminish the risk of arterial calcification, a condition where calcium deposits harden the arteries. This highlights vitamin K's possible role in upholding the health of our blood vessels and overall heart functionality.

Although instances of vitamin K deficiency are infrequent, when they do occur, they can lead to serious bleeding disorders and compromised bone health. Thus, ensuring an adequate intake of this essential nutrient is paramount for our overall well-being.

Vitamin K Highlighted Products

Discover the power of Vitamin K in promoting bone and heart health. These highlighted products offer quality and potency, ensuring you get the most out of your Vitamin K supplementation. Dive in to find the best fit for your health needs:

Xymogen K2-D3 5000: Unlock the synergy of vitamin K2 and D3 with Xymogen's K2-D3 5000. This supplement offers a potent blend, designed to support calcium absorption for bone health, and assist in cardiovascular wellness. Each capsule provides 5000 IU of vitamin D3 and 180 mcg of vitamin K2, ensuring a comprehensive approach to your health needs. Trust in the quality of Xymogen to bolster your daily nutritional intake.

Premier Research Labs Premier Vitamin D3 + K2: Experience the combined power of vitamin D3 and K2 with Premier Research Labs' Premier Vitamin D3 + K2. Crafted to support optimal bone and cardiovascular health, this supplement harnesses the benefits of both vitamins to promote calcium absorption and arterial health. With its high-quality sourcing and manufacturing, Premier Research Labs ensures that you're receiving top-notch nutritional support for your well-being.

Dr. Mercola Vitamin K2 180 Mcg: Dr. Mercola's Vitamin K2 offers a targeted approach to enhancing your health. With 180 mcg of vitamin K2 per serving, this supplement aims to support strong bones and promote heart health. Vitamin K2 plays a pivotal role in directing calcium to where it's needed most in the body. Trust in Dr. Mercola's commitment to quality and purity as you bolster your daily health regimen with this essential nutrient.

More About Vitamin K

Health Benefits of Vitamin K

Central to both cardiovascular and skeletal health, vitamin K plays an indispensable role in the body. Its primary functions include facilitating blood clotting—preventing undue bleeding—and promoting healthy bone maintenance by ensuring efficient calcium utilization. Ensuring a sufficient intake of vitamin K, whether through diet or supplements, supports these crucial bodily functions and promotes overall health.

Vitamin K Dosage

Determining the right dosage of vitamin K largely hinges on factors such as age, gender, and individual health circumstances. Generally, the recommended daily intake for adults oscillates between 90 to 120 micrograms. Before commencing any vitamin K supplementation, it's paramount to consult a healthcare professional, given that one's dietary habits, medical conditions, and prescribed medications can influence individual vitamin K requirements.

Signs of Vitamin K Deficiency

A deficiency in vitamin K can manifest in a heightened susceptibility to bleeding. This might be evident through symptoms such as prolonged bleeding from minor wounds, easy bruising, and in more severe cases, complications like gastrointestinal bleeding or frequent nosebleeds. Beyond its role in clotting, an inadequate vitamin K intake can also compromise bone health, amplifying the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.

Vitamin K Side Effects

Consumed within the recommended parameters, vitamin K is typically well-tolerated with minimal side effects. However, taking vitamin K in excessive amounts, particularly from supplements, can result in vitamin K toxicity. Symptoms of such toxicity might include flushing, excessive sweating, or an irregular heartbeat. It underscores the importance of adhering to dosage guidelines and seeking advice from healthcare professionals before embarking on high-dose vitamin K supplementation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is vitamin K and its types?

Vitamin K is essential for blood clotting and bone health. It comes in two primary forms: K1, found predominantly in leafy greens, and K2, primarily sourced from fermented foods, certain animal products, and synthesized by gut bacteria.

What foods are rich in vitamin K?

Green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale, fermented foods such as natto, and some animal-based foods like liver and egg yolks are rich sources of vitamin K.

What is the daily vitamin K requirement?

For adults, the general guideline is between 90 to 120 micrograms daily, but factors like age, gender, and health can influence individual needs.

What are vitamin K deficiency symptoms?

Deficiency can lead to easy bruising, prolonged bleeding, and in more severe cases, gastrointestinal bleeding or nosebleeds. Impaired bone health can also be a symptom.

Can I overdose on vitamin K supplements?

While vitamin K from food sources is generally safe, excessive intake from supplements can cause adverse effects such as flushing, sweating, and an irregular heartbeat.

Can vitamin K interact with medications?

Yes, vitamin K can interact with certain medications, especially blood thinners. It's vital to maintain a consistent vitamin K intake and consult with a healthcare provider when taking medications.

Are vitamin K supplements suitable for newborns?

Newborns often receive a vitamin K shot to prevent bleeding disorders. However, before giving any supplements to babies, it's essential to consult with a pediatrician or healthcare professional.

How does vitamin K affect blood thinners?

Vitamin K can reduce the effectiveness of certain blood thinners. Hence, consistent vitamin K intake and regular monitoring under a healthcare provider's supervision are crucial for those on anticoagulant medications.